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Patricia Stover

May’s Month-Long Writing Challenge

Hello, and welcome to May’s Month-Long Writing Challenge. This challenge is for writers (and readers if you are so inclined), of all skill levels. Each week I will post a new writing prompt for you to follow. All you have to do is start writing and see where it leads you. The goal of the writing challenge is to give you practice and sharpen those writing skills.

There are no rules about how you must use your prompt. You can use it however you choose. If you want to begin a new story or incorporate the prompt into your current work in progress, you may. Whether or not you want to use it for fiction or poetry, it does not really matter. The only thing you really need to do is write!

So, without further ado, here we go!

Week One

Your first May’s Month-Long Writing Challenge prompt is:

Write your own Urban Legend.

Now, the point here is to make up your very own Urban Legend. For those of you who are unfamiliar with what an Urban Legend is, here is a link defining Urban Legends according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Your Urban Legend can be about anything that you choose. You can have a monster or none, serial killers, ax murderer, ghost babies, whatever your little heart desires. This is your story. Write it the way you want to write it. The only rule is that it must fit within the definition of the term. Other than that, have fun. Oh, and remember to keep it spooky!

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